Monday, March 31, 2014

voyage of exploration


Let's rewind to autumn because I feel like that's where my head clung to the clouds and started dreaming of this place. It's haunted and inspired me for years, there is such a rich history here. Long ago the meltwaters from ancient glaciers formed the Illinois river and its network of snake-like streams. Windblown layers of dusty bedrock created the limestone bluffs that rose from the riversides. It was an Eden of sweeping prairies and dense forests. Rugged wilderness and warfare. Now a protected area, many of the sloping hills and valleys are Indigenous burial mounds. At least six different tribes lived in this place, in a much different time. Europeans first began exploring Illinois while searching for the ocean and met the Illini here at the confluence of two mighty rivers. It's named after the explorer Pere Marquette. 

You know how we all have those weird dreams..I always wanted to travel to pivotal moments in time, and see what really happened. The underlying stories of the people involved, I love imagining history in a different way. Something about this past trip inspired me to really think about it, and learn everything I could. As soon as I got home I started filling up notebooks and over time my imagination created a pretty wild story drawn from the actual events. Growing up Cahokia mounds was just a few miles away and we would take the short trip to see this natural beauty too, some of my favorite places to visit. 

  I couldn't even imagine ever writing anything seriously but it's something that I quite like doing for fun. An experiment in creativity if you will, it pushes me a bit outside of my comfort zone. I think that's what matters anyway, doing something that inspires you. Even if it's a silly dream or things that only you'll appreciate. Have a little fun with your life. This is where my mind has been when I stop thinking of anything else, grab my headphones, and write. Something I do just for me, for no other reason than to create. Usually at 3 am while watching old westerns and period pieces. It's nice to have a little escape from the every day. 


“No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning”

Movies and books are my first love. Strong willed heroines and tales of heartsick love, obstacles, violence, I'm old fashioned like that. Historical romances, epics, westerns, when I was little I had a Dr. Quinn sized crush on Sully and Willow is one of my most watched movies of all time. Madmartigan?! Val was it. I still play out stories in my mind a la The Neverending Story. That Atreyu effect. I just love the visualization and feeling from seeing it unfold and hearing the music, music is everything. I feel like I know my characters, If only in the movie of my mind.


vn said...

well, I think if you wrote something (a novel?)
it'd be pretty amazing. you have such a lovely
way with words. just seems so effortless and

thank you for introducing me to Rose Windows.

beautiful photos (as ever)

mazzy star
mazzy star
mazzy star

Anonymous said...

Hi! I want to thank you for introducing me to Rose Windows. I love Rabia's deep voice, and unwavering confidence. Being thirteen, (8th grade) I get a lot of unwanted feedback about my music taste, students say it's weird, creepy, but what I didn't realize is that it wasn't that strange. They just don't understand it. The confidence and positivity in your posts are rubbing off on me, and I just wanted to tell you to never quit blogging :D.